• Tirta Anggraini
Kata Kunci: The Incidence of Weight Preeclampsia



Preeclampsia is a disease in pregnancy, characterized by increasing blood pressure (hypertension), edema, and protein in urine which generally occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization as much as 99% of maternal deaths occur during childbirth and postpartum. As for the causes of death that is by 28% of bleeding, 24% of preeclampsia / eclampsia, 11% of infections, and complications during purpureum about 8%, 5% of long confinement, 5% of abortion, and others about 11%. Purpose of this study is to know  relationship between factor of age, parity, education, distance of pregnancies with the risk of preeclampsia incidence in the maternity in  Dr.Mohammad Hosein General Hospital Palembang in 2011.

Case control studies in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang in June 2011. In the study population, known that of 2539 maternal mothers of Dr. Muhammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang who had severe preeclampsia as many as 239 people (9.4%). In this research, the study sample as many as 255 are divided into 2 groups: 85 cases (incidence of severe weight preeclampsia) and 170 controls (normal birth). Samples were taken by random sampling that meets the criteria of inkulusi. Furthermore, the file was corrected by using a computerized program. File analysis  conducted by univariate and bivariate as well as multivariate by using Chi-Square statistical test with a significance level α = 0.05. The results of research of 225 respondents showed that there were 85 respondents had severe weight preeclampsia (33.3%), respondents with severe weight preeclampsia risk of age about 70 respond1ents (27.5%),parity of high risk about 72 respondents (28.2%), and level of low education about 147 respondents (56.9%), high risk of distance-pregnancies within 57 respondents (22.4%). The results of this study showed that there is significant association between maternal age, parity, education level and distance-pregnancies with the incidence of preeclampsia in the maternal mother. The conclusion of multivariate analysis is that from these results obtained the most dominant factor affecting the incidence of severe preeclampsia is distance of pregnancy and age.Odds ratio of 9.506 (95% CI: 1.300 to




Preeklampsia adalah suatu penyakit  yang terjadi pada kehamilan yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah (Hipertensi), oedema, dan protein dalam urine yang  umumnya terjadi dalam triwulan ke-3 kehamilan. Menurut  World Health Organization  sebanyak 99% kematian ibu terjadi pada masa persalinan dan pasca persalinan. Adapun penyebab-penyebab kematian tersebut yaitu oleh 28% perdarahan, 24% preeklampsia /eklampsi, 11% infeksi, 8% komplikasi masa purpureum, 5% partus lama, 5% abortus, lain-lain 11%.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengertahui  hubungan antara faktor umur,paritas ,pendidikan ,jarak kehamilan dengan resiko kejadian preeklampsia berat pada ibu bersalin di RSUP Dr.Mohammad Hosein Palembang Tahun 2011.

Studi Case control di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang bulan Juni tahun 2011.  Populasi penelitian di dapat bahwa dari 2539 ibu bersalin di RSUP Dr. Muhammad Hoesin Palembang yang mengalami preeklampsia berat sebanyak 239 orang (9,4 %). Pada penelitian ini jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 255 yang  dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok 85 kasus (kejadian preeklampsia berat ) dan 170 kontrol ( bersalin normal). Sampel diambil secara random sampling  yang memenuhi kreteria inkulusi. Selanjutnya data di olah menggunakan bantuan program komputerisasi . Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat  dan multivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 225 responden  terdapat responden mengalami preeklampsia berat 85 (33,3%), responden yang mengalami preeklampsia berat umur beresiko 70 responden (27,5%), paritas berisiko tinggi 72 responden  (28,2%), dan tingkat pendidikan rendah 147 responden (56,9%), jarak kehamilan beresiko tinggi 57 responden (22,4).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur ibu, paritas, tingkat pendidikan dan jarak kehamilan dengan kejadian preeklampsia berat pada ibu bersalin. Kesimpulan analilsis multivariat Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan faktor paling dominan mempengaruhi kejadian preeklampsia berat adalah  jarak kehamilan  dan umur Odds rasio sebesar 9,506 (95% CI: 1,300 - 69,510).

